Excitedly Nervous!
It has been quite some time since my last trip over seas. I am excited, yet nervous, but more so nervous that my parents will forget to feed my dog. 🙈
This trip will definitely be one worth while. Costa Rica is nothing like the other places I have traveled to, and fortunately I have a green thumb and CANNOT WAIT to see all of the beautiful sights and sounds of the rainforest. I especially look forward to the volcano, as I haven't seen one up close and in person before.
I'm having some flight jitters, and I'm a little nervous about not packing enough but I feel like that's minor compared to the experiences I am about to have while on this trip.
I expect to learn a lot about their hospitality and how they are focused on being environmentally friendly (kind of hoping to be more conscious of this when I return home).
I can't lie, I am afraid of the howler monkeys.
I can't wait to learn more about Costa Rica and visit their beautiful, exotic land.
Tomorrow is flight day! Happy travels!✈
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